Walkin’ Wheels Medium Wheelchair Blue

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Handicapped Pet Canada

$549.00 CAD 
Available for pre-order

For medium sized dogs up to approximately 25-50 lbs, we have the completely adjustable Walkin’ Wheels Medium Size Cart available in Blue, Camo, and Pink! This dog cart will help your best friend live a happy and healthy life strolling around with all his pals!
Only one simple measurement is required to fit your fuzzy friend into a fully adjustable Walkin’ Wheels Wheelchair today!

  • Fits dogs and other animals up to approximately 25-50 lbs
  • Fits perfectly now and can be adjusted as your pet’s health changes
  • Available in Blue, Pink, or Designer Camo! ($25.00 Extra for Designer Camo)
  • Only one simple measurement required
  • Easy to re-sell as it can be adjusted to fit any other dog

What's In the Box?

  • 1 Frame
  • 2 Sets of extenders
  • 2 Connectors
  • 1 Set (2) Foam Wheels or for Pneumatic Air-Filled Tires (add $49.99-$69.99)
  • 1 Front Harness with Sleeves
  • 1 Set Leg Rings Rear Support Saddle
  •  Belly Belt
  • 2 Stirrups
  • 1 Instruction Manual

Foam Wheels vs Air Tires

Foam Wheels
Standard with all wheelchairs
The foam wheels are great for all terrains. They feature a dense foam interior with an outer rubber layer. These wheels will not puncture, wear extremely well, and are easy to clean.
Sizes available: 4", 8"

What Comes With the Walkin' Wheels Dog Wheelchair

The Parts of the Dog Wheelchair


The Medium Frame itself is powder-coated aluminum. It will not bend, break, or rust. The molded plastic knuckles attach the frame and the legs in such a way they cannot possibly slip. 360 degrees of 'teeth' hold the knuckle in place at every point.
On the side of the knuckle, a spring-loaded turning cap allows you to loosen the knuckle and swivel the legs up or down.

About three turns of the knob should be enough. Do not turn the dial so that it comes all the way off -- although if you do, it is easy to screw back on.

Wheelchair Parts-201

Width Connectors: (2 connectors with regular frame)

The width connector connects the left and right side of the frame together. If the width of your dog is 5 - 9 1/2 inches, you will use the smaller width connector. 9 - 13.5 inches will need the longer connector.


DSC06634Length Extenders: (2 extender sets with regular medium frame)

The length extenders connect the front harness in place with the cart. The length extenders are adjustable. However, there are two different sizes. If the animal is 9-19 inches you will need the smaller extenders. The small extender will already be attached to the wheelchair. If your animal's length is 18-25 inches you will need the larger extenders.

Length is determined by back of front leg to back of rear leg.


The Front Harness: FrontHarness-2
The dog's head goes between the blue and black strap, and the red strap goes around the chest and clips on the side of the harness.

The shoulder pads (A) are made of neoprene and keep the straps and buckles from causing discomfort for the dog. The red strap (B) goes behind the front legs, underneath the chest and holds the front harness securely when clipped into the side panel. Neoprene comfort sleeves wrap around the straps for the dogs comfort. It is best to take comfort sleevpg13-2es off while adjusting the three straps snug to your dog. Comfort sleeves can be cut in half if they are too long.

The only difference between the regular and large front harness is the length of strapping. The girth of the regular harness is 48" max.


Parts of the Wheel Kit



One set comes in wheel kit.

Struts are what the wheels are attached to which then snap into the cart. The struts are adjustable within a range of three inches. The struts come in 4 different sizes: 6, 9, 12, & 15 inches. Each wheelchair comes with an appropriate set of struts based on your dog's Fold of Flank measurement.


DSC065271Leg Rings (Shown Attached to the Dog Wheelchair)

The hindquarters of the dog are held in place by the leg rings, or our rear harness support system. We have found that most dogs adapt quickly to the leg rings. The leg rings are included with the cart.

The leg rings that come with your Walkin' Wheels work great used as a lifting harness. The excess strapping can be Velco together to make handles on each side.



Foam Wheels:

One set comes in wheel kit.

Each Wheelchair comes with an appropriate set of wheels based on your dog's Fold of Flank measurement. The 12" and 16" wheels are outfitted with bearings.


BellyBelt-1Belly Belt:

The Belly Belt will help support your dog's back. Highly recommended for:
1. Dogs with a long back
2. Overweight or eldery dogs
3. Dogs with curvature of the spine
4. Dogs with disc problems

One Belly Belt is included with each wheel kit.




These are used to keep your animal's back legs from dragging on the ground if the legs are paralyzed or weak. The length of the stirrups can be easily adjusted by moving the clip down on the rope and re-tying the knot.


The Manual :

This literature will be included with the cart. Please watch the YouTube Video before setting up the cart to give you a full understanding of how the cart works. If you have any questions, you should call Handicappedpetscanada.com, 778-809-7421.


Toolkit-1Tool Kit:

The tool kit comes in a plastic bag and includes:

- Allen Wrench
- Set Screws (8) You only need to use 6 set screws total.
2 - bottom of the legs
2 - end of frame
2- width
You will see small holes where the set screws are attached. This will keep the frame from rattling and tightens everything up.

walkin' wheels dog wheelchair measurement

Overweight pets:

If your dog is overweight, the FOF may hang down, making the measurement shorter than it really is. Try to move the flank up to a normal position, to get an accurate measurement.

Long Haired Pets
If you have a long-haired dog, you can locate the fold of the flank by pushing the hair back and feeling for the fold of flank skin.


  • Use a metal retractable tape measure or yardstick, place it in front of his rear foot and measure straight up to the bottom edge of FOF.
  • DO NOT stretch the dog’s leg and foot out. Try to have the legs in the most natural standing position possible.
  • Get the FOF as accurate as possible
  • If your measurement is inaccurate, you may need to exchange the wheels or struts at your expense.

If your dog cannot stand:

If your dog cannot stand, you can measure the fold of the flank when he is lying on his side. In order to get an accurate measurement, position the dog’s rear leg in a normal standing position: knee joint and hock joint will be slightly bent. Bend the dog’s foot at his ankle (like it would be if he was standing on his foot). In this picture the yardstick shows a FOF of 18 inches.

Do NOT stretch the dog’s leg and foot out as this will add several inches to the fold of flank and give you an inaccurate measurement.



A – Knuckle at the hips. If you were to draw an imaginary line from one knuckle to the other, the line would pass right through the dog’s hips… where the bone of the leg meets the bones of the body. If not, tighten harness and/or adjust length. Allow 1″ on each side between dog and black knuckle.
B – Front Support loop at the shoulder. The loop on the front harness that the bar goes through should be at the shoulder. Adjust the straps so that the loop is held firmly against the shoulder. Then clip into cart.
C – The dogs back needs to be straight or arched UP (slight hunch). In this photo the dog’s back is arched down a little. This is NOT correct and this dog needs the Belly Strap.
D – The back legs need to be just touchingor just off the ground, depending on the health of the back legs. If the dog wants to use his back legs, then allow his feet to touch lightly. This is often adjusted by tightening the straps that hold the harness to the frame – this brings the dog’s seat up. (Take the dog out of the harness before adjusting.) If the height of the harness cannot be changed, then lengthen the leg struts. Consider boots if the feet drag. Use the stirrups if the dog cannot use his back legs or the feet are dragging on the ground.
E – The horizontal bar needs to be level.


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