Adored Beast Gut Soothe Anti-Inflammatory 52 g (dog)

Adored Beast

$29.99 CAD 

Soothe dog diarrhea or digestive upset.

Gut Soothe is a proprietary blend of anti-inflammatory herbs and pre & probiotics that soothe and replenish the lining of the bowel, fight yeast and combat unhealthy bacteria. With 30 billion cfu wide-spectrum probiotic. 153 g powder.

Ingredients based on 1/2 tsp serving: aloe vera 200:1(5 mg), marshmallow root 4:1 (100 mg), l-glutamine (250 mg), n-acetyl glucosamine (300 mg), deglycyrrhizinated licorice (375 mg), larch arabinogalactan (500 mg), slippery elm bark (540 mg), multi strain probiotic blend (30 billion /milliards cfu).

Aloe Herbal Aloe plant  healing effect

  • used for constipation
  • used for GI irritation

Slippery Elm • master demulcent

  • exerts soothing effect on mucous membranes
  • protects agianst ulcers, colitus and GI inflammation

Marshmallow Root Herbal  similar benefits to slippery elm

  • phagocytosis (cells engulf bacteria or dead cell tissue)

L-Glutamine Amino Acid  building block of protein

  • promotes digestive health
  • promotes brain health
  • promotes muscle growth
  • fights cancer
  • helps with high blood sugar
  • acts as a band aid to prevent further damage
  • balances mucous production

N-aceytlglucosamine  found naturally in the mucous membranes of digestive, urinary and respiratory tracts

  • helps support production of glycoproteins
  • supports structural integrity of respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary tract
  • protects against invading organisms

Larch Herbal Larch Arabinogalactan  prebiotic

  • supports colon health
  • used as adjunct to cancer treatment
  • stimulates immune system
  • blocks metastasis of tumour cells

14 Strain Probiotic • rebalances gut flora

  • inhibits yeast growth
  • blocks adhesion sites of pathogens
  • enhances immune respones
  • prevents/treats diarrhea
  • maintains integrity of intestinal tract
  • prevents/treats UTI
  • decreases side effects of antibiotics

Please note:

For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children and animals for which the product is not intended. Safety in pregnant or lactating females has not been established. Refrigerate after opening.

Targets inflammation in the GI tract, respiratory system, Urinary tract. Can be used to rebalance gut flora and target GI issues such as burping, regurgitation, soft stools, vomitting, IBD, hairballs, etc. Also supportive for inflammation that presents as arthritis, autoimmune disease, skin disease and more.


Directions: Add dose per dog’s weight to food once per day.

Cat's will require 1/2 of recommended dose by weight.

In chronic cases where symptoms do not begin to improve within 10 days, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Do I have to use the entire container or do I stop using once symptoms disappear?

When you are trying to address any health issue with our products it is good to do a minimum of 6 weeks as we have taken the approach of many authentic herbalists that the body needs to an average of 6 weeks to process the healing response.

With many chronic diseases ( an issues that has been heavily medicated or your animal has had for over 1 year ) it is often the case that you will need to rotate Gut Soothe with Love Bugs or Healthy Gut. We have many animals taking it long term because they feel so much better when they are on it.

Do I stop using other probiotics?

It is not necessary to be on additional probiotics but if you are currently giving one it doesn't hurt to finish or slowly wean off rather than just stopping something abruptly your animal has been getting. One thing to note is that the probiotic blend in Gut Soothe is quite powerful, offering 30 Billion CFUs (colony forming units) per serving for a medium sized dog. Too much probiotics can cause loose stool, so if you are currently giving one, be mindful of that!

If my pet is allergic to shellfish, will the N-acetylglucosamine be a problem?

If you know your animal is allergic to shellfish it is best to stay away from our products with this ingredient. Please understand that shellfish allergy is not the same as a fish allergy!

Will this interact with any other medications?

NAG should not be given to animals that are on anticoagulant drugs. It is always advisable to check with your veterinarian if you animals is being treated for an existing condition or if they are on medication of any kind.

Does this need to be refrigerated after opening?

The product is freeze dried, so while refrigeration is not necessary, we believe it will help to maintain optimal freshness.

What other conditions is this good for?

Anything that involves mucosal lining, Gut Soothe is terrific for bladder health and respiratory (lung) health as well!

Does this expire?

Yes, please check the bottom of the jar for the best before date.

What is the difference between Gut Soothe and Healthy Gut?

Both products have the same base - the pre and probiotic blend that makes up Love Bugs. 

Gut Soothe has the added herbal components that target inflammation and can soothe the mucosal lining. 

Healthy Gut has the added digestive enzyme components.

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