Pretty Paw Persia Rosegold

Pretty Paw

$38.00 CAD 

The Persia Rosegold harness is inspired by the extraordinary composite fusions of rose gold that elevates gemstones with its soft hues of warm, pink metallics.  Rose gold was popularized in the 19th century in Imperial Russia by renowned jeweller, Carl Fabergé, who put precious metals in the most ornate creations.  The composition of the natural paisley pattern imprinted on the lavish, plush fabric embodied within the brilliant rose gold trim conveys an affluence of style with a touch of elegance and class.  The distinguished Dachshunds, known for their devotion and loyalty to their masters, were uniquely shaped with deep, barrel chests, which gave capacity for their immense loving hearts.

  • Machine washable
  • Animal - Friendly
  • Functional
  • Fashionable
  • Fabulous

Additional information

Weight 0.045 kg
Dimensions 33 × 25 × 3 cm

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