Enviro Fresh Odour Out Multipurpose 3.78 l


$23.09 CAD 

Clear, odorless, non toxic odor removing solutions using the most advanced progressive oxidation technology, along with natural plant extracts, organic and inorganic odor causing agents are inactivated. All Enviro Fresh odor removing products are non selective in what they eliminate, and are active over the broadest range of pH, both acidic and alkaline. This is not usually the case with enzyme based products which usually have heavy masking agents associated with them. This product works to permanently destroy the source of pet odors caused by urine, feces, vomit, parvo virus, anal sac secretions, and more. Safe on pets, may be dilluted 50/50 with your shampoo for immediate use, as well, it may also be used as a fabric refresher or hard surface cleaner by diluting it with 5 parts water to every 1 part of product.
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