ProDen Plaque Off System Dental Bones

MJM Pets

$25.99 CAD 

ProDen PlaqueOff® System Dental Care Bones help prevent plaque formation. The bone's unique shape and abrasive action helps to remove plaque and tartar, helping to freshen breath. 

Let your dog chew away plaque!
Natural product – Grain Free – Gluten Free – High Palatability

Let your dog chew away plaque!

Dogs constantly produce new plaque in their mouths. If not treated, they can calcify into tartar, something that cannot be brushed away from the teeth. Instead, a vet needs to remove tartar with anesthesia and ultrasound.

Without action, this can result in bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay and premature tooth loss.Ιt can also lead to infections being passed in the animal’s body, which can damage the heart, lungs, liver and adversely affect renal function.

ProDen PlaqueOff® Dental Bones are dog chews with the proven PlaqueOff® Powder as one of the ingredients. Used daily, this natural product made with kelp can significantly complement ordinary dental hygiene.

ProDen PlaqueOff® Dental Care Bones help prevent plaque formation. The bone’s unique shape helps to remove plaque, tartar and freshens breath through abrasive action.

ProDen PlaqueOff® Dental Bones are available in quantities of 485gr.

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